That’s the sort of thinking that seems to be missing here (((meaning the USA, but also most of the world))). A diverse committee that looks past tomorrow or the next election. Also – nice list of Dutch proverbs at the top of the post!
Proverbial Fortitude
Today at 02:00 P.M. the Delta Committee presented its advice (also through an accompanying film) on how to best protect the Netherlands against the dangers of flooding by the sea and rivers for the next 200 years.One year ago:
“On September 27 2007 State Secretary Tineke Huizinga (Traffic and Water Management) asked the newly formed Delta Committee to deliver comprehensive advice on how the Netherlands, especially coastal and hinterland, must be protected against the effects of climate change until the year 2200.The committee had to look beyond the usual fifty years and had a broader mandate than the first (1955) Delta Committee after the disastrous floods of 1953 (death toll: 1900). The new committee not only seats water managers, but also ecologists, economists and specialists in spatial development.
(Via Amsterdamize)