Videos: Persol Visioni – Fashion – – International Design Interiors Fashion Travel
Nice video about designing for Persol and about Venice. I enjoyed this video mostly for the views of Venice, which is a city I love. It does not make me want to buy Persol sunglasses, but I appreciate the brand.
Interesting, our complex position vis-a-vis advertising. I like to observe the effect ads have on me. What works as a brand-reminder, rather than a commercial for a specific product, what is so simple and obvious a trick that it actually turns me against the product… I mean, we grew up on commercials, we understand how they work and now there is this interesting “we know that you know that we know that you know what we are doing…”
Observation: I got rid of TV in my house some 18 months ago. At first I found it entertaining to turn on the TV in a hotel room, but I noticed last month that I can no longer watch any TV, period. I found it to be too loud, too much… TV steals time, time that I would rather spend reading or even just thinking or sitting quietly. Rather than reflecting life, TV seems to mask life.
Now I need to watch how much time I spend on a computer… :)
Ottmar: “I got rid of TV in my house some 18 months ago.”
I did a similar thing about ten months ago, and have found what you say in your observation to be completely true. It’s just too … too … Of course now I have to deal with the seemingly exponential growth to my book collection …
I hear you! I love reading. You might consider donating some books to your local library. Or add more book shelves – books are great insulation and improve the sound. My studio has a book shelf opposite of the speakers.
I never thought of books as insulation. That’s great excuse to get more. I have book shelves everywhere, and they’re all filled. I just got 3 more books today TV? I watch the Antique Roadshow, and Garden Line on PBSand then it just sits on mute on the news channel waiting for something worth listening to. I guess that isn’t really worth the money is it?
In Feb/March, I turned the TV on once in the entire 6 weeks I was on tour. It was on for maybe 5 min then was turned off. I did watch movies on my iBook, but to me that’s different, I love movies.
…and NASCAR and History sometimes…Guess I need it after all : )