Cradle to Cradle

02008-03-16 | Environment, Health | 3 comments

I mentioned Pangea before – here and here. I like their products a lot, although I find that they can be a little strong for my nose. Today I opened a package and just as I was about to throw the recycled cardboard container away I stopped to read about the material:

The molded fiber box is the first of its kind. It was manufactured with zero waste and is created from 100% post-consumer newsprint without glues or dies. Soak the box for 1 minute and plant it about 1″ deep in soil. Up should spring medicinal herbs found in our products.

Excellent! Naturally I will plant the box.


  1. Robin

    I’ve bought the bar soaps before, but guess I did not read the fine print :) I kept the boxes, thinking that they might come in handy one day…now I’m going to plant them!

  2. eric

    That is awesome! Let us know how the plants turn out.

  3. james

    I just got in from the garden marvelling at all the volunteer plants popping up. I went to wash my hands with a bar of Pangea soap from a friend who was kind enough to share his TED bounty with me. And then I read your post. Three great gifts. I’m now going through the recycling bin to fetch that box…


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