The only antidote to destruction is creation. The game we are now playing is for keeps; this is an age that may see us either go down the drain or create a whole new civilization. Precisely because the standing of posterity is so tenuous, art is now more relevant than it has ever been. And again, I mean not just art but artfulness, playfulness, seriousness, connectedness, structure, wholeness. And heart.
So the issues raised in this book also point toward some activity beyond individual creativity, beyond art. Let us call it the Imaginary Liberation Front. Not art for art’s sake, but art for life’s sake.
From Free Play by Stephen Nachmanovitch. What a book! I finished reading it today and can highly recommend it to anyone, whether you think of yourself as an artist or not. I picked a lot of quotes to show you, but the book has to be experienced as a whole. Go get it!
I found “Free Play” to be an easy read and just really interesting and insightful. I think that all types of work have a creative aspect and an improvisational aspect… well, really life is one big improvisation… and “Free Play” helped me re-discover some of the joy in that process. Definitely a book for everyone!
I bought Free Play a couple months ago but haven’t gotten to it yet. Maybe after I finish The Skull Mantra.