Extend performers’ copyright to 95 years, says EU commissioner | News | guardian.co.uk Music
Performing artists, such as Cliff Richard, and session musicians would get copyright protection on their recordings for 95 years instead of the current 50, under plans put forward yesterday by Charlie McCreevy, the EU’s internal market commissioner.
But read on and you shall find this little gem:
McCreevy’s scheme includes a “use it or lose it” provision under which record labels refusing to re-release recordings would be forced to allow performers to move to another company.
Now that is a beautiful idea! A lot of great recordings are no longer available because the big labels do not think that can make enough money from them. It would indeed be great if the artist/performer can get them back in that case.
Great idea.
and I don’t imagine musicians very often have pensions so they depend on the royalties they receive.
Thank YOU Ottmar,
I have enjoyed and shared your talent & musical gifts for many years and have been personally deeply touched and transformed by them. Your soulful visionary music & passionate mystical creations are so inspiring that I took the liberty to include your freely offered soundtrack “Silence – No More Longing” in my newly created short movie “From me To WE & Beyond” for the Pangea Day idea & vision… I included the appropriate credits both at the end of the movie & its description & related materials, documents & sites.
I hope that it will bring both fulfillment, recognition & even more enjoyment to your already so popular music from new places & people, esp. if the movie gets selected to be broadcast live & over the internet on May 10, 2008, the actual Pangea Day Festival & global event.
From me To WE & Beyond 5.24 min on youtube & google video.
Same version, different cover :)