Wednesday Music

02007-11-29 | Copyright, Internet, Music | 2 comments

Regarding this posthere is a video – Thanks VH

Started the day by taking out the garbage.

Later a listen to the newest Lingua Franca master with Jon, followed by a meeting with Michael Motley, the designer of the CD package. Michael came up with a great cover and at noon we went to Brian’s for lunch. The conversation was all over the place, but I do remember this web site Michael mentioned: BUY (LESS) CRAP!.

That’s a great xmas tree.

In the afternoon I read this article and had to laugh out loud at the last paragraph:

I hate Tom Cruise, but see no reason why, in a movie, he shouldn’t play von Stauffenberg. Objections to that simply show how much emotion still surrounds the issue, especially among the German chattering classes.

Indeed. If it has juice, if it makes us emotional, then it might point to a shadow we have.

And regarding the biz of music, BoingBoing reports this:

On the 5th of October 2007, the Swiss law makers adopted a new law to comply with the WIPO treaties. Thanks to the entertainment lobbies, apart from criminalizing DRM circumvention devices, you can now win a one year visit in jail if you share a copyrighted file on a P2P network.

And this:

The Canadian government is about to bring down Canada’s version of the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and it promises to be the worst copyright law in the developed world. It will contain an “anti-circumvention” clause that prohibits breaking the locks off your music and movies in order to move them to new devices or watch them after the company that made them goes out of business — and it will follow the US’s disastrous lead with the DMCA in that there will be no exceptions to the ban on circumvention, not even for parody, fair dealing, time shifting, or other legal uses

I see both as more extreme measures, which in turn will make the file-sharers feel more righteous. There is a middle way. It is called CreativeCommons and here is a link to my 2005 interview with CC.

Guy Hands, the new boss of EMI, discovered waste and was congratulated by Robert Fripp:

Mr. Guy Hands of Terra Firma is to be congratulated on his acquisition of EMI. Perhaps. Majors have a diminishing role to play in the future of music-provision. No doubt this is the fault of the artists – only interested in garnering huge advances (which seems to be partly the view of Mr. Hands). The economic base of majors is copyright ownership of the work of others. They are exploitative, incompetent, failed to take a lead in the emerging digital music-world, have problems providing accurate accounting, and fail to honour responsibilities to others that they claim for themselves (eg RF/KC copyrights).
A good buy, EMI?
Goodbye, EMI.

That remids me… the licenses for “In the Arms of Love” and “The Santa Fe Sessions” will return to SSRI on February 24th, 2008.

And, this article on global warming…


  1. Franklyn

    This laws naturally ignore the fact that if Swiss law puts one single person in jail for this offense this person would become a martyr of the cause and the poster child for P2P

  2. Curt

    Good news about getting the rights to ITAOL and The Sante Fe Sessions back!

    I had a thought regarding DRM – please tell me your thoughts and opinions on it.
    Would it help if DRM simply resulted in playback at a much smaller bitrate rather than crippling playback altogether? I’m talking about AM radio quality or slightly above. This would still allow someone to share a file with a friend so that they can have a listen to it and then decide whether or not to buy it themselves? Seems better than not being able to play the song at all…

    As I mentioned, feel free to flame away. I’ll take it as an educational opportunity!


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Tue, Feb 11 2025 in Solana Beach, CA
@ Belly Up

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s


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