
02007-10-30 | Food, Internet, Music | 3 comments

The other day I took a bite of chocolate and then a bite of Italian Parsley – sounds like a crazy combo, but it’s not bad at all.

Summer returned to Santa Fe and it is in the seventies again, and did you see that moon this week? That was amazing.

Canton fell for the Radiohead PR stunt and bought the download. He was disappointed to find that the tracks were only 160 kbps CBR mp3 files. Aparently nothing in the FAQ/details mentions this. I told him that it was a great way for them to get a lot of publicity and that I had read somewhere that their management was really hoping to sell CDs and that the downloads were just supposed to wet the appetite. I wonder whether the people who offered $10 or $12 are now disappointed that the quality of the files is only about half of amazon.com or iTunes (256kbps)… Canton writes:

That said, it is a pretty good album!

I have been switching from liquid soaps to bars of soap. Less plastic containers with pump to recycle. Thomás, who owns Milagro, said he will soon make bars of soap as well. And soap-bars remind me of my grandma who used to cook her soaps – well, actually she mostly re-cooked the left-over pieces of soap and made new bars from them. She also re-heated little left-over pieces of candles and made new ones…

Time to order more of Travertine’s Shea Cream. It’s great for Winter’s dry hands and Davo says it is the only stuff that keeps his hands from cracking from playing percussion. All of Travertine’s products are free of parabens.

And last and least…

The Sprinkle Brigade
Fortunately, the Sprinkle Brigade, is on the case. These connoisseurs of crap have a knack for turning the most disgusting dung into delightfully irreverent images.
(Via Josh Spear)

Direct link – click on Holiday Classics. Hm, maybe not for the faint of heart?


  1. AX91

    >Canton fell for the Radiohead PR stunt and bought the download. He was disappointed to >find that the tracks were only 160 kbps CBR mp3 files. Aparently nothing in the >FAQ/details mentions this. I told him that it was a great way for them to get a lot of >publicity and that I had read somewhere that their management was really hoping to sell >CDs and that the downloads were just supposed to wet the appetite. I wonder whether >the people who offered $10 or $12 are now disappointed that the quality of the files is >only about half of amazon.com or iTunes (256kbps)…

    Wow…some stunt… Conservative estimates put revenue at US$6 Million. That’s pretty good for a “stunt” even taking into account encoding bitrate.

  2. ottmar

    AX91: that they made a lot of money does not elevate it in my eyes. I also don’t believe all of the numbers people throw around on the internet.


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Tue, Feb 11 2025 in Solana Beach, CA
@ Belly Up

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s


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