You might want to read the comments to the earlier post for more information regarding the enjoyment of binaural audio.
I tried uplaoding the video to YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe and HumbleVoice. For some reason the stereo was lost with every upload to YouTube and Google Video – I tried .mov, .mp4, and .m4v files with the same result: the video only played back in mono. The Metacafe upload failed entirely. The only successful upload was at HumbleVoice. And here is a direct link to the vid on HumbleVoice, where you can also find the code to embed the video on your blog.
It is confirmed. Google Video converts to mono. My guess is that they started doing that with YouTube as well. I will not upload anything to either again.
This is nice…very nice! I enjoyed this very much.
The Humble Voice link is not as good as the original link to your mac space link. But I have been passing this around to friends as most of my friends don’t have quicktime.
Not ever? Well that’s decisive :) Even videos that aren’t binaural?
Adam: I think this might be a new move by Google/YouTube. I received confirmation from a Google employee that Google Video now converts all video (all new video?) to mono. Music videos in mono are pretty much worthless in my book. Luckily there is HumbleVoice.
THANKS to all for this feast for the ears and eyes!! (tremolocharmer ;))
Ottmar, I’m relieved that you uploaded this video at HumbleVoice as well because it’s not possible to install the Quick Time 7.2 on my windows 2000.
Amazing which methods Davo uses to create sounds.
Excellent. you guys are great, i’ve been a fan since the 90’s, thanks for dropping by canberra last year.
enjoyed this very much.
Sorry, I can’t find a code!? I would like the video for my blog.
Now I’m going to download the “hits with Fritz” once more because I forgot to save the album….