Want to have a little adventure and catch some great music?
Sahara blues in Mali with Robert Plant – Times Online
The remoteness, and the sublime blank canvas of the desert, turned the first festival into a surreal and haphazard event. Attended by 50 Westerners and 1,000 nomads, it had none of the infrastructure of a Glastonbury, but a magic that was lit by the eerie glow from a full lunar eclipse in the freezing Saharan night.
I love those words: the sublime blank canvas of the desert… via Barrett.
Magic is what is in the heart of rythm and beat! Blessings on the Wind!
Astronomy and History, sure as your barefeet!
Jacke as always kindest, regards!!!!!!
“the sublime blank canvas of the desert” describes the flatland here too. Some people know how to express in words my feelings better than I could. and oh, what an expansive canvas it is!