02007-03-04 | Recording, Studio | 7 comments

Last year I bought a 1.8 TB Raid enclosure for the studio and am in the process of transferring all of my recordings to it – years ago when we still had a 2″ 24 track machine I had everything transfered to ProTools at 24/48k and those files were stored on Data Tape. I am discovering a lot of unreleased material, maybe enough for an album of unreleased music from the Nineties. For example, I found an unreleased and untitled Bossa Nova from the sessions for The Hours Between Night + Day that has a nice koto-solo by Osamu Kitajima.

Last Monday I showed Stephen what I had been working on and pulled up Snakecharmer. There it was, with an extra bass performance and additional synth parts, which we had muted for the final mix in 1993.

Like having a time-machine. Eerily wonderful.


  1. vic

    That would be awsome. I think many of your long time and even new fans would love to hear some of the eairler stuff again. I hope you do realease some or all of it. It would be a nice treat.

  2. Manuel Rangel

    Out of curiosity, what type of raid system did you purchase? Is it the Apple Xraid fibre to Sata 14 bay system? What criteria should one look for when buying raid in terms of performance , from what I read if you lose 2 drives in a raid 5 configuration you could lose all your data if you don;t have a tape backup.

  3. ottmar

    Manuel – G-RAID PRO. Yes, I suppose if two drives failed at exactly the same time one would lose data. Drives are hot-swappable, meaning one should have an extra drive around to swap out. I have everything on Data Tape as well, but RAID is easier to access and FireWire 800 – very fast.

  4. Anna

    Ottmar, I am with Vic on this one. I would order the CD as soon as it was out. As much as I love your new recordings,I keep on going back to the earlier works.
    As well I would love to hear a live CD.

  5. Keith House (Mr Mamiya 645)

    RAID is very fast and very reliable…..we have about 27 tb of spinning RAID right now….that 27 tb is spread across about 10 servers (a mix of Windows and XServes) all connected via fibre channel…..in the last 5 years we have had one occasion where we lost two drives in a RAID at the same time (it was an HP RAID that had the two drives go bad at the same time)….we had tape backup but it was still a painful process to recreate that data……Apple RAID is the best bang for the buck…..we have 4 XRaids…..with any RAID a spares kit is important. We do a full back up of all data the first of each month….then an incremental backup each day……

    As far as the found music….very cool…..


  6. Boris

    The LL is a good place to store this schtuff!

  7. Steve

    There have been two fairly monumental technical papers on RAID and the reliability of Hard Drives:


    One of the conclusions that one gets from these two papers is quite

    “…these results validate the Google File System’s central redundancy concept: forget RAID, just replicate the data three times. If I’m an IT architect, the idea that I can spend less money and get higher reliability from simple cluster storage file replication should be very attractive…”

    [source: http://storagemojo.com/?p=383%5D


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Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Thu, Feb 20 2025 in Sacramento, CA
@ Sofia Theater


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