02007-02-08 | Internet, Recording | 3 comments

blog 2004 – 2007: Ottmar Liebert @
When you visit Ottmar on, you see things like this:
* Ottmar Liebert – UC Tangos 050814
* Liebert/Gaskin – Infinite Sky Mix – Andrew Gaskins Remix
* Rahim, Ottmar, Jon, Barrett – Rahim #3 rough
Now are that teaser?! And one cannot click on the track and listen, you can’t….

Jon gave me some additional parts for the Up Close Tangos, which, ahem, sounds fantastic if I may say so myself. Later this month Davo will add his magic. I also recorded a second version of the same song, a slow Rumba, for which Stevo added some rhythm guitar – sounds very sexy at that tempo. I am thinking they will make good bookends for the album: one will be the first song, maybe the Tangos, and the other will close it.


  1. Luz

    Adam: it goes back to the other post–about teasing! ;-)

  2. Boris

    Check back the link, Adam. Some info’s there – at least. : )

    Also wondering: Due to JG Bio on CC I listened to Temple Dawn from THBND again. You’re playing oud there. Is your coop with Rahim influencing your own oud playing in a way? I mean, influencing for sure, but does it make you feel for more oud playing in the upcoming future, for example?


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