Gong Fu Tea Presentation

02007-01-14 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

Tea Presentations at Imperial Tea Court
…expertise is derived not so much from learning as from experience, that is: practice (which we could say in this case does not “make perfect”, but which is instead an end in itself)…

That makes me want to go to this particular Tea House! Learning is in my head. Experience is in my whole body.


  1. shawn

    Learning is in my head. Experience is in my whole body.

    That has to be the best words I’ve heard strung together all week. I wish there where more people that felt that way. Thanks for the reminder that there is a lot of wonder in this world.

  2. laurie

    “Make a delicious bowl of tea, lay the charcoal so that it heats the water; arrange the flowers as they are in the field; in summer suggest coolness; in winter, warmth; do everything ahead of time; prepare for rain; and give those with whom you find yourself every consideration.”
    –Soshitsu Sen

  3. llindaskaye

    Ottmar, i am findinge this to be the secretkey to my learninge to play the guitar…alwayes amore y paz, llindaskaye *******


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