Stain Teacup

02006-12-23 | Design | 1 comment

– WOOD – Stain Teacup
(Via Ektopia)


1 Comment

  1. Llindaskaye

    Ottmar…i particular like that idea of the teacup…everimprovinge and changinge yet withe all the stains of to showe…at present i am hopinge to find a local “schoole” i can afforde to study acoustic guitare…only 1/2 hour a weeke at present though i am very grateful for that…your site is really wonderful…i am enjoyinge so much all the videos of guitaristes actually playinge…and enjoyinge your advice…> educate the minde and the ears will followe…really very nice and beautiful…alwayes amore y paz, Llindaskaye e.p. ***********


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