Laws of Technology?

02006-09-05 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

~C4Chaos: COAT4D: On Laws of Technology
a technology isn’t inherently good or bad, but it will have an impact, which is why it’s not neutral. Almost every applied technology has a good side and a bad side. When you think of transportation technologies, do you think of how they enable a delightful vacation or get the family back together during the holidays—or do you think of traffic jams and pollution? Are books a source of wisdom and spirituality or a way to distribute pornography and hate? Do you applaud medical technology for curing plagues or deplore transportation technology for spreading them? Does encrypted e-mail keep honest people safe from criminals or criminals safe from the police? Are plastics durable conveniences or everlasting pollutants? Counterfeiting comes with money, obscene phone calls come with the telephone, spam comes with e-mail, and pornography comes with the Internet. Every law creates an outlaw.

Is not everything like that? A hammer can build a house or bash a head in. A baseball bat can hit a home run or kill. I bet you could kill somebody with a drivers license or credit card if held properly and angled just right… A slinky high E guitar string could surely… anyway, I’ll stop here.


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