Thursday – San Diego

02006-08-12 | Music, Performance, Touring | 1 comment

Morning walk on Shelter Island with Jon.
Brilliant blossom at Humphrey’s.
Set list change: UnderWorld/Cocteau, quickly becoming one of my favorites, moves to the first half – between Carrousel and Santa Fe. This feels much better. Stephen takes this photo at the beginning of the second half. I play This Spring release 10,000 Butterflies from the upcoming (29. August?) One Guitar CD.
Ottmar on stage by Stephen - 1
up close, with the new rhythm guitar part, feels very good tonight and the segue into 2 the Night works great. After the concert is over, I walk across the street and take a few photos of the moon in the night-sky.
San Diego by Moonlight - 2

1 Comment

  1. Boris

    That track Up Close, do you know how tough + fantastic it is at the same moment to read such things?!?! (Breathing out……….)


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