Monday 17. July

02006-07-17 | Touring, Travel, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Saw a clip of Australia’s Prime Minister John Howard declaring today that adherence to the Kyoto Treaty would be too costly for the Australian economy. Wonder how he will feel about the cost of building dikes when the water rises – since all of Australia’s main cities are on the coast. But that will presumably be another Prime Ministers problem. It seems that Australia’s government is as short-sighted as the U.S government.

In the evening: drive to Baulkham Hills for an interview with 2CCR-FM radio.
2CCR-FM Radio Interview - 2
Afterwards dinner in Little Italy in an Italian restaurant where every single table and chair was in use – on a Monday night!

1 Comment

  1. Lina

    Well, John H and George B are best mates. One is big brother, the other the little brother. But both are big BOTHERS!


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