PNM Sky Blue

02006-06-07 | Environment | 1 comment

PNM Sky Blue ™: Wind Energy for New Mexico | Electricity Power
I signed up for Sky Blue from PNM. This means that 90% (maximum amount available) of my monthly elctric consumption will come from New Mexico Wind Energy.

This link has information by state on companies that sell electricity from renewable sources:
thanks marijose

1 Comment

  1. Kemper Barkhurst

    It’s great to see your post on subscribing and recommending green energy to your readers. I’ve been trying to find more ways to spread the word that signing up for wind power is an easy thing to do and it only costs a little bit more per month. It’s such a small price to pay for a step towards sustainability. My switch to 90% of renewable energy was only an extra fifteen dollars a month in a household of 4 people.

    Also, my company has developed a counter which keeps a record of the amount of carbon dioxide that is prevented through these renewable sources. If your interested I can send you the source code, and instructions for this little flash widget. It’s already sized to fit directly into a word press blog. You can view our version at We giving it away to anyone who wants it and only hope it can help get more people on board with clean energy.


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