~C4Chaos: Ottmar Plays Then Talks About Cool Stuff
As usual Ottmar played excellent (nouveau)Flamenco rhythm and lead while barefoot. This time he played solo (sans Luna Negra). And yes, he gave a talk while on stage. First let me say that Ottmar has the gift of eloquence and storytelling. Good thing he decided not to keep it to himself in the backstage. He’s a natural comedian too. But what I really admired during his talk was that he managed to squeeze in fluffy things (even dropped the f@%k-bomb) without being preachy. That sneaky dude even sneaked in some Big Mind during his talk without mentioning Buddhism, Zen, or even Big Mind. That sneaky devil! Now that is skillful means!
To read more just click on the title-link. I am sitting in a nice little cafe in Seattle, checking Google Maps for directions from Oakland to Redwood City tomorrow, when I run across Rommel’s kind words. I had a great time last night. From the dressing room it sounded as if the club was rather loud, but the audience was fanastic! They listened when I played and made me feel welcome. Suddenly I checked the hidden clock stage right and noticed I had been on stage for an hour and a half. I know very well that the audience is an essential contributor to any performance and I am very grateful for last night! Thank you all. And Rommel, how come you didn’t say hey! afterwards? I didn’t know which evening you would come.
hahaha. well, i’m shy in person ;) sapo! on your next gig. like i said, you should do this more often.
Your Saturday show was great, too. I was really impressed that before the show I overheard a couple different members of the wait staff making very positive comments about the show and specifically the talk.
You’re right about eating dinner during a show throwing things a bit off kilter. I had my 12 year old son with me, and I think the 45 year old the next table over was less well behaved than my son. It’s easy for folks to slip into dinner behavior rather than concert behavior.
Anyway… The music was wonderful. The talk was wonderful. And even the venue was wonderful.
Take care,
I wish I came to say hello too, but I was shy as well. It was a fantastic show…I brought my Turkish friends and we were cheering from the back when you mentioned Istanbul and Mimar Sinan.