Tuesday Morning

02006-03-28 | Uncategorized | 4 comments

Last night Stephen Duros sent me the stereo mix file of a beautiful song for his new album via YouSendIt. I will play a solo in my studio this week and send it back. Musical collaborations in the 21st century. His new album will be very very nice.

Jon came by this morning and brought new parts for an opium-ized version of Dreaming on the Starlight Train and Quiet Dawn. Several new bass and synth parts. Very trippy. My electric guitar solo on Dreaming on the Starlight Train is holding up very nicely. Decided that instead of re-working ITAOL I will work on a Euphoria3 CD. This album would re-work slow material from In the Arms of Love, La Semana, and Winter Rose – plenty of nice slow material there! A re-working of Bells for example could be very appealing. So ITAOL 2007 is now morphing into Euphoria3, which will be very down-tempo, dreamy, and multi-layered. We are adding lots of field-sounds, new ones as well as some old ones from my extensive mid-nineties sound-fishing + field-recording expeditions. A discovery album.

Ideas for follow-ups to Tears in the Rain include an album called Duets (that’s just a working title), for which I would play/improvise with several of my favorite musicians. I could imagine a few songs with Rahim playing oud, some with Jon playing fretless electric bass guitar or upright acoustic bass, some with Dave playing percussion, and some with Robby playing Kora or Cajon or Djembe (or one of the many other instruments that man plays – I hear he gets great sounds out of a silver knife and spoon as well!!).

My current take on recording is this: I prefer the quality of uncompressed 24/96k for solos or duets, but for band stuff compressed 24/44.1 or 48 is fine. 24/96 is just so many bits wasted on band music… Once I have a bunch of instruments plus percussion, the dynamics have to be lowered via compression or parts will get lost in the mix. But for the solo or duo stuff a greater dynamic range is wonderful and useful.


  1. Borya

    Right on … whatever. All sounds so excitingly fresh and fantastic. Euphoria3 featuring the mellower tracks of those 3 albums, making them even dreamier, chillier, more seducing?! That’ll be a great waiting time. Hope you find yourself tempted to include “Les roses d’Isphahan” and “A sweet persimmon”.

    As for the “Duets” idea, I hope you manage to record some of the tunes you’ll play with Rahim next week. I listen a lot to Munir Bashir since you wrote about it and I found that disc in Córdoba. Today during lunch time I stood on the shore of a lake with his music in my ear (and later your TiR), which was underlined by the gurgling and mumbling water and some sweet breeze. Amazing. Now Rahim’s oud meeting your gitarra flamenca. Improvs. What more? Don’t forget to let somebody take some pictures. :)

  2. Adam Solomon

    The first hint of the Duets album, then. We’ll be looking back on this post fondly in a couple of years while waiting for the release of this CD! To be honest, that is probably the most exciting concept for an album (your playing with Rahim et al.) that I have heard in a very, very long time–I truly hope this comes to fruition!!

  3. Luz

    Music is indeed a universal language! Looking forward to the exciting sounds forthcoming in the Listening Lounge.

  4. Curt

    Euphoria3 is exactly what I have been waiting for… thank you, thank you, thank you.


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