Tonight I had the honor and privilege to play guitar in the Upaya zendo for participants of the Being with Dying professional training program in integral end-of-life care.
The room was filled with physicians, nurses, healers. Truly beautiful people who see, and deal with, a lot of pain and suffering. I started with This Spring release 10,000 Butterflies, continued with Silence: No more Longing and The Longest Night, and finished up with Snakecharmer.
Roshi called for an encore, which was some kind of Bulerias, interrupted several times by impromptu tuning of strings which didn’t cope well with the rising temperatures in the room. That in itself was an interesting lesson. At which point do other people than myself realize that the B-string is out-of-tune and I should stop to tune it? Also, how to get back into the swing of the piece after the interruption of tuning…
I do know that I enjoy this solo guitar playing very much. It does not replace the palette and power of a whole band, rather it is a completely different beast altogether. A small drawing, rather than a big color painting. A personal, intimate story, that can constantly be adjusted, rather than the big movie with a cast and a crew… I do want it both/all.
That’s a very interesting event you participated in. Personally I think they should have included lawyers, or allowed lawyers to participate, especially those working in the field of succesion law and accompanying. There’s a lot of space for caring, in a sense, coming along with that work as well. Things some clients might need, and others that you might need yourself to be prepared.
Gonna burn a CD of that setlist, or put it on my mp3 player in that order. Don’t think that I would have noted the false notes. But who knows. Maybe have felt them.
I am sure lawyers would have been very welcome…