
02005-08-16 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

A new podcast went up yesterday. A LIVE recording from last year (Adam: it has a Kora interlude). If you are new to podcasting, just download itunes (for Windows or Mac) and search for “ottmar” in the podcast section. Or if you already have another app you like to use for podcasts, enter this address: http://www.ssri.biz/music/subscription.php

1 Comment

  1. Adam Solomon

    Santa Fe with a kora interlude? Could such a thing exist?? Well, now I know what I’m going to be listening to on the train tomorrow…

    BTW, if you’re too lazy to use a podcast program, just put the feed address in your browser address bar and you can get the file locations there :P …Was I not supposed to say that?


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