Reginaldus Liebert

02005-08-11 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

Reginaldus Liebert (Libert) (early fifteenth century)
Franco-Flemish composer, who may have been choirmaster at Cambrai cathedral in 1424. His most important work is a Lady-Mass for the period between the Purification and Easter, which includes Proper as well as Ordinary and in some movements sets the correct plainsong in the top part in a decorated style. He also wrote two chansons, including the melancholy Mourir me voy.


  1. Panj

    …i simply stepped onto your page to access Chill Guitar for just a quick listen-to before chores and happily stumbled upon Reginaldus. Now, i see hours of research in my future…:-))) You provide much entertainment, Herr Liebert!…and the possiblilities…relative? reincarnation?…hmmmmmm

  2. Borya

    i can see it coming: ottmar liebert returning to that cathedral one of the next times when being in europe. he has his laptop with him and his guitar and one of those cool mics. inside the empty cathedral, he sits down and improvised a new melody that finds its way to tears in the rain….

  3. Borya

    … but will he use the same title? maybe not. a dedication?


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