
02005-07-08 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

Last show of this tour. Tomorrow we can eat chile again… It has been encouraging that many people have let me know they really enjoyed the Denver show. Just goes to show that one has to make the best of every situation. The sound, which was apparently quite good for the audience, was absolutely horrific for us performers on stage. The wall with the sponsor’s advertisements created a slap-back echo that delayed the mid-range of the bass by about 50-100 milliseconds. That may not seem like a lot to you, but is a lot to have to fight. You know how time slows down when you get into an accident? Well, that’s what the music sounds like to a performer. The smallest detail becomes enlarged. A tiny delay becomes incredibly huge. At first I actually thought that Jon was messing with the rest of us by playing behind the beat, but soon it became obvious that he was fighting the sound as well… We just had to put our heads down and make it work. Not a lot of smiles from me that evening – except when the kids started dancing right in front of the stage… that was too cute. I am wondering what the specially abled man was listening to. From his movements I sensed that he might have been listening to different music on his headphones, while watching us. In any case, he seemed to have a grand time.
Denver by Victor - 12
Photo by Victor. More photos and his review.

1 Comment

  1. Mausky

    GREAT review and photos Victor!


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