Gone Fishing

02005-05-14 | Uncategorized | 9 comments

I am leaving in a few hours and haven’t packed yet.

I look at the trees in my yard and a funny German saying pops into my head: Die Bäume schlagen aus. See how Google translates that one.

And why does Blogger have such trouble with accents and umlauten? This is the 21st century for crying out loud… I wrote this post using my browser pointed at blogger.com and it came out wrong. But when I re-opened the post in Mars and typed the umlaut again it worked – figure that one out…

I think the album is done – even though I changed two of the songs quite a bit only yesterday…

I am off to a week-long Sesshin. Won’t take my computer with me, so posting will be rare or, more likely, will not happen at all.

I’ll be back a week from tomorrow.

My guitar is already where I am going, sent via Federal Express early this week. I trust FedEx more than our airlines – and I can insure the guitar for full value when I send it. Guitar in case in cardboard box… and I don’t have to shlepp it either.



  1. Cesco

    Have a nice and chilled trip Ottmar!

  2. Aberrones

    Enjoy a nice peaceful time!


  3. Carol

    My love goes with you. I hope everything goes just right!

  4. Just Me

    Enjoy your Sesshin and we look forward to your return.

  5. Victor

    Cool you get to have your guitar along! Have a great trip!

  6. Betsy Ford

    Hey, great idea! When my son flies, he buys a seat for his cello. (Expensive, but cheaper than the single $1,800 repair bill for one “not-out-fault” incident last year.) I’ll pass on the suggestion!

  7. Carol

    Ah, but he won’t get that extra meal on the plane any more.

  8. Panj

    …sill working on the schlagen und ausschlagen…:-)))…Auf Wiedersehen und Gott Speed!!!


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