I posted a photo of my no-brand Practice Thing a while ago. Victor found this similar device at LeTechnique.
It is much fancier and you can actually tune it, which is very nice.
Which company or individual was the first to join two words together as seen in the title? Was it Apple with their PowerBook or does it date much earlier? Is it a little trick to get something trademarked, like intentionally misspelling a word?
Ottmar, would you pay 80+ dollars for this letechnique device? Do you think its worth it? It looks pretty good, have you bought one?
No, I have not bought one. I don’t think I will, either.
So, Ottmar, is it because you don’t think it is worth it, or because you already have a similar one to practice with. I am curious to see what you say because I am thinking of buying one for myself.