This post is dedicated to Stuart Davis. The following method kills mice quickly and efficiently.
The cold Winter has led mice into my garage, and since New Mexico has the Hanta Virus, I have been a killing machine this past week: 5 mice in 4 days. The hawks are happy as I throw the kills onto my roof.
Here is what I learned from my dad, a very experienced hunter of mice: use an aromatic cheese, one that is soft and sticks to the trap – because mice are smart and will find a way to remove a hard cheese. This lovely Cambozola, a delicious German mix of Camembert and Gorgonzola is perfect for the job and I always have some in my fridge anyway…
2 traps will cost you less than a buck and the price of the cheese varies.
I know what you are thinking – how can the same hands that produce those lovely melodies also be the hands of a stone-cold killer? I ask my self that same question every day!
Here is news about Cambozola:
cambozola is tasty enough, and has been marketed quite successfully. but please know that the production of said cheese is on an industrial level – meaning that the milk utilized in the product is, in my opinion, suspect. combining milk products from a variety of sources, the milk utilized may have been frozen, may have been powdered, it may even have been pasteurized 2-3 times before finding itself in cheese molds (or more! don’t even get me started on chocolate milk either), and it comes from a variety of regions, if not multiple countries. it is a kind of heinz 57 of the cheese world, of which, it should be said, there are many.
if you want the opinion of a professional cheesemonger, which you obviously may not, as this has not been solicited, i suggest that you try the little gem called “blue de bresse” – a variety coming out of france, also made on a large scale of production, but produced with a much higher quality of milk, and to my opinion, a much more balanced flavour, suppler texture, and pleasantly appealing aroma. the blue flavour is less predominant however, becoming secondary to the milky elegance of the molten cud – but if it is the strength of the blue that you are seeking, i have many more suggestions for that arena of engagement.
ottmar, ditch the cambozola. it is kaka.
Well, thanks for the info Mr. Cheesemonger. I will certainly ask for Blue de Bresse at the store next time. I think half the reason I like Cambozola is that I remember my dad eating it all the time when we were growing up. And, it hasn’t killed him yet, as he will turn 90 this year. That said I always enjoy a new tasting experience and look forward to the Blue de Bresse. Merci!
Maybe that cheese is too good..all the mice for miles around may be heading for the best place to eat in the area. Why not put it outside, preferably in your neighbors yard :)…without the traps, and let the hawks take care of the rest.
Just a thought…..
peanut butter works fantastically as well.
I have had humane traps before, which ‘spank’ the little creatures into a cage, then you release them …down the road a piece.
This year has been a bumper crop for mice in No.Utah and I have had to cope with unwanted tenants too.
peanut butter works fantastically as well.
I have had humane traps before, which ‘spank’ the little creatures into a cage, then you release them …down the road a piece.
This year has been a bumper crop for mice in No.Utah and I have had to cope with unwanted tenants too.
lol look at the Wikipedia link–are you familiar with the Laguna Negra Virus? I think we’ve all caught something similar, or similarly titled….:P
90 years old?
Okay. Forget the mice, forget the exercise, forget the bottled water (w/Nestle company on fine print). It must be the cheese.
I have the Cambozola on my shopping list.
OOOhh yes…little piles of cheeses leading out of the garage and down the hill…may take awhile…heehee…perhaps humane traps would be quicker. We have caught up to 3 mice at a time! My youngun, who thinks he IS a maus, has volunteered to come and help you with this project…:-)))
Many Happy thoughts for Herr Liebert den Älteste…one can just imagine enjoying this lovely cheese in the Austrian Alps…ummmm….:-)))
I had to laugh… it would have caught my dogs and me. Give me some french bread,Cambozola and red wine and I am happy..even if it is the Heinz 57 of cheese. :)
Although even if it is necessary I still feel bad for the mice. Maybe you can put a smidge in front of the trap also so they can at least have a good last meal.