Music: glorious silence
Photo of shadows in my house this morning.
Been working on a new piece in a different meter. Arpeggios in 5+5+5+6 = 21/8. When listening to the Opium album I enjoy the number of songs that are in 5 – they have such a round, spiraling quality. Then I added a little melody to the 4th arpeggio and suddenly the piece is in 21/8. Sadly most software isn’t great for odd meters and one often has to trick it into working. That is because most software is made for young folk engaged in Techno, or House, or Hip-Hop. But, I was able to get a clicktrack done and recorded the guitars. Sounds lovely already and Jon will add his magic next week.
Love the photographs…very quiet.
Music creation…very exciting.
Is Jon adding bass on a track by track basis for this recording? I thought that he recorded all the bass tracks for La Semana after all the guitar tracks were done. Or was that because he was waiting for the Lakland bass to arrive for recording?
I agree with one of Matt’s earlier comments. Witnessing a bit of the process of recording an album is very thrilling. Not that I understand everything but I enjoy these snippets deeply. And it makes me google and ask (friends) what I don’t know……