In case somebody out there is having sleepness nights wondering what surprise Lester DeVoe was talking about – I mentioned it in this post.
OL to Lester DeVoe:
I received the guitar in excellent condition last Tuesday. Beautiful work. I strung it up with a set of the D’Addario strings I am used to and my first impression was that it sounded a little nasal, but that disappeared over the following days as the guitar opened up. It sounds brilliant already!! Especially the neck and bridge have the most beautiful grain! I have never seen a bridge like this!! I am starting a new album within a month and will use the new guitar as I am clearly in love with it!! Very nice work. You are like fine wine, my friend, and just keep getting better!!!
Lester DeVoe to OL:
I am happy you noticed the bridge and neck wood. The flamed Spanish cedar is “super rare”. I had four necks 25 years ago, three of which I think I used on the guitars I made for Sabicas. I have been looking for wood like this for all these years and finally found some.
Not a great photo, but you can get an idea of what the flamed grain of the neck looks like. The guitar sounds wonderful and I recorded it for the first time yesterday. A wonderful instrument like this is a great challenge to a guitarist to improve oneself.