After a few warm days last week we are back in Winter Wonderland. Yesterday was overcast and gray. A storm hit us last night and delivered several inches of snow.
I had a nice birthday. With all of the clouds overhead it felt quiet and introspective. Thanks for your emails and cards. I went into town and got a stone massage. Hot and cold stones – nice. Other than that I really did not do much. Worked in the studio for a bit, cleaning up and listing all of the items I want to get rid of. The recording room looks and feels quite different now, very clean/simple and spacious. I like it. I will post some photos when I am done with the transition. My left index finger has been infected and I haven’t been able to play much. But thanks to Neosporin the infection is now gone and I look forward to practicing today.
Ottmar, a belated Happy Birthday to you! Sorry I missed it. Sounds like you had a good one. Cleaning out always feels good – and somehow opens new possibilities for the future!
Glad to hear you are back to playing. Well, thanks for all your great music! And thanks for sharing your thoughts with us via the Internet!
I always have Neosporin on hand since you mentioned it when you cut your finger shortly before you went to Turkey. It works.
I am so glad to hear the infection is better!!! We NEED those fingers happy and healthy…:-)))…and glad to hear of the Stone Treatment…cuz I was thinking of one of those for you, if you ever come back to the Catalyst in Santa Cruz…(if I remember correctly, you are stilled owed a therapy session)…hmmm maybe I better check it out first tho, JUST to make sure it is of good quality…:-)))…and glad you had a Birthday Snow…you deserve the beauty!!!