Opium Chair

02005-01-26 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

Music: On Land – Brian Eno

Sad news. Although the bid for the Opium Chair rose to $645 I have to cancel the auction, because today we discovered new Moth eggs in the folds of the chair. Some of the dying moths must have done what nature requires – laid eggs before dying.

In other words we are taking the chair to the municipal trash site this afternoon. My sincere thanks to those folks who bid on the chair.


  1. Flavio

    Address for the municipal trash site please. . . :-)

  2. Victor

    Moths – Wide Eyed and Dreaming. I imagine that’s particularly disappointing for the high bidder. Sorry for your loss as well.

  3. Borya

    USD 645! Holy moly! How sad that the rape center now doesn’t get it. But this amount, wow, I mean, no regrets that I didn’t bid, I wouldn’t have been able to go this far anyway.

  4. Ottmar

    Flavio – you can have the chair as long as you pay for the shipping. My guess is that it is quite salvageable, but I can’t auction it off in this condition. You’ll have to let me know before Friday afternoon.

  5. Ottmar

    The chair is in a plastic bag with mothballs, which should kill the larvae pretty quick.

  6. Borya

    This post has been removed by the author.

  7. djalisgypsy

    How sad such a beautiful chair and going to a great cause! If you have the info for the crisis center, maybe I can donate some monies or get some people to get a sizeable donation together. I was just looking at some gorgeous chairs at zen by design.com. I thought of you and how cool you’d look in the zen chair:)

  8. Panj

    WHEWWWWWWwwwww…(regaining composure)…(pinching cheeks to bring back color)…(fanning)…what a close call! Surely you were jesting Sir? To the landfill???That beautiful piece of art gone? (pale shudder)
    Thank God for Flavio!!! He is living Borya’s dream.;)
    I think tho, it would have sold quite well, indeed, even encased in a Moth’s hell…:-)…Sir (curtsybob):)

  9. Panj

    WHEWWWWWWwwwww…(regaining composure)…(pinching cheeks to bring back color)…(fanning)…what a close call! Surely you were jesting Sir? To the landfill?That beautiful piece of art gone??? (pale shudder)
    Thank God for Flavio!!! He is living Borya’s dream.;)
    I think tho, it would have sold quite well, indeed, even encased in a Moth’s hell…:-)…Sir (curtsybob):)

  10. Borya

    My dream? The chair? No, not really. It’s a wonderful chair but what sitting is concerned, my grandparents still have a tiny little wooden bench they brought with them from Spain. I was sitting on it always when being with them. I am happy that this bench is still around in my family!
    And what OL is concerned: one time in my life being able to afford a similar house, that would be a dream. I’m not speaking about Adobe because for having such a house, I’d need to move to New Mexico or Mexico. But such a garden. And such an architectural mixture between Japan/Mexico/Italy. The clearity of some parts. The walls. The path leading from the house to the studio made of stone. The arroyo. Wow! All that reminds me in certain ways of the house my grandparents once had in Spain. But that is gone. :-(


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