Watched this film tonight. Filmed by Peter Gabriel’s daughter Anna during his/their Growing Up tour in 2002, it is a gentle film about PG and his family on tour. It is very brief at 40 minutes and the only exciting moment is when little Isaac almost reaches the AC outlet in a backstage area before getting snatched away by an adult. The DVD is a little too wholesome and friendly, almost a PR exercise. I was wondering what it would be like for an artist like PG to have a little toddler on the road with him, but in the film everything is peachy. The transportation is a private jet and everyone is one big happy family. In other words, the film has none of the emotion and honesty of his songs. At $25 it is probably only interesting for real PG fans.
Some artists don’t mind discussing their work. Bjork for example, does a great job explaining her work on DVDs. PG apparently either does not enjoy discussing his work, or it never occured to his daughter to ask.