Music: Ya Msaharni by Felix Mizrahi
It would be sooo cool to Podcast music for our subscription service. Especially if one could build an authorization process into the Podcast software. No need to come to our web site… just set your podcast software to look at our site and automatically download the latest music files.
Maybe that is not possible… On the other hand one could Podcast low quality music files to one and all, and our subscribers could then sign in at our web site and download the high quality version of the pieces they like…
Hmmm, I still don’t get the concept, but if it works, I’ll figure it out ;) As long as we get our subscription service! :) Oh, and I’m surprised you still have those CDs–glad you seem to be enjoying them!! :D:D
Feed/authentication is possible (for OttmarCasting) — it just takes some hackery…
For example, John Gruber at Daring Fireball has ‘members-only feeds‘ for folks who donate. You stick your authentication key in the feed URL and the server does the rest, it’s really slick.
In fact, he’s available for hire — this would make an awesome little project!