Bike Messenger

02004-10-22 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

I was a bike-messenger in Boston from 1983-1986. Here is a little movie I found on the net that is the next best thing to being there… What a rush!


  1. Yumiko

    First tattoos and now this…I don’t know how you find these bits of info. I can’t believe they didn’t get hurt or at fast speeds were able to get so close to the cars.

  2. Flavio

    It takes a lot of guts to do what they do – they have my respect! Great filming too – not too much camera shaking – amazing! In Sao Paulo, Brazil you can see something very similar but with motorcycles delivery guys – they’re called “moto-boys” and they are incredibly fast – unfortunately statistics show that at least have a dozen of these “moto-boys” die on a daily basis . . .and God forbid you accidentally hit one of them – in two seconds the entire gang will show up to destroy your car . . .

  3. dave

    That was a rush!


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