I had lunch with Jon yesterday and while we enjoyed a meal, the restaurant played pop music over their system…
Now and then Jon pointed out pitch correction on the singers, something he has been looking into recently. It’s the hottest thing around – everybody’s using it. Yeah, it sounds lifeless, yes, it is fairly easily detected by a trained ear, yep, there are pitch-correction specialists and they cost more than the whole band, but hey, only the best for the fans!
Makes me remember Robin Totten’s book Songs of the Outcast, and his description of hearing a gitano singer holding a note and then flattening in slightly, by a quarter-tone – on purpose of course – and giving everyone goose-pimples. That’s a good thing, a great thing even!
Made us wonder when it will all turn around 360 degrees again, and people will want to hear the real expression that only a great singer is capable of – as opposed to the pop dolls and their pitch-shifted and corrected, sugar-coated blandness…,
***as opposed to the pop dolls and their pitch-shifted and corrected, sugar-coated blandness***…LOL…what a delightful description…:-)))…hopefully the Wheel has already begun that turn…wonder if wish puffing could hurry it along?…:-)