etown update

02004-10-08 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

We told etown that I don’t want to perform a song with Eliza in Boulder on the 17th, and they said they have to think about how they feel about that. If they insist I might have to cancel the performance. I want people to hear music from La Semana and not us backing up some song of Eliza’s.


  1. Adam Solomon

    Wait, it’s not just a few OL songs, then a few Eliza songs, you’re actually performing together??? That makes no sense…

  2. Ottmar

    What they want: a few OL songs, a few Eliza songs and then a song together.

  3. Carol

    That would be a terrible idea. hey, I don’t even hum along to your music. It is complete and needs nor wants any distractions …like vocals.
    You can do that shortly after you get together with “Gypsy Kings” :)

  4. Panj

    The vocal part doesn’t bother me…poetry set to music…BUT…ottmar and luna negra as back up musicians…DON’T think so…pffftttt…:-)))

  5. Panj

    …as an after thought…perhaps a duel of voice and guitar?…but then the only one able to write such a piece if one had the time, would be ottmar…:-)))

  6. Flavio

    Well I don’t like the idea either. . .I can see OL and Luna palying what they have to play and the Eliza girl/lady playing one song with OL – no problem. Half and half – I am not so sure. . .frankly, I have no clue who Eliza is – and I apologize for my ignorance – but hey if she needs OL to boost her carrier a bit hey why not? A little hand for an unknown artist is a beautiful gesture. . .

  7. Flavio

    Well I don’t like the idea either. . .I can see OL and Luna palying what they have to play and the Eliza girl/lady playing one song with OL – no problem. Half and half – I am not so sure. . .frankly, I have no clue who Eliza is – and I apologize for my ignorance – but hey if she needs OL to boost her carrier a bit hey why not? A little hand for an unknown artist is a beautiful gesture. . .

  8. Yumiko

    It is a very bad practice when artists are not included in the perfomance decision making. Perhaps Eliza Gilkyson was given partial information, also. It is so bad to take advantage of artists. What would “Paco Hell” say about that….

  9. Victor

    Maybe Eliza plays Flamenco on the side and she could back up Ottmar! Hmmmm – probably not.

    You know, there’s an intersting series on CMT called “Crossroads” where they pair up a Country performer with a Rock/Pop performer and they take turns doing each other’s songs. A concept like that might be fun if Ottmar was playing with maybe a jazz guitarist… but I don’t know what they’re thinking with this particular pairing.

    Well, I already have my tickets so I’ll be really bummed if you decide to cancel Ottmar. I won’t make the trip to Boulder if you’re not going to be there. But I understand you have to do what’s right for your integrity as an artist and performer.

  10. jeff from Boulder

    I think your scepticism (to the group sing-along) is healthy. If you can get by that response however, I think as an artist it would seem a good challenge. I have attended many E-Town shows and from my experience the group effort at the end can sometimes click. It is however not the essence of the show.
    It is a great venue for most performers and I have no doubt a good venue for your music and an opportunity to expand your audience. The show seems to be a good experience for all. My guess is it will be for you also.
    I hope to see you there.


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Concert Dates

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Thu, Feb 20 2025 in Sacramento, CA
@ Sofia Theater

Fri, Feb 21 2025 in Napa, CA
@ Blue Note Napa

Sat, Feb 22 2025 in Napa, CA
@ Blue Note Napa

Sun, Feb 23 2025 in Napa, CA
@ Blue Note Napa

Tue, Feb 25 2025 in Seattle, WA
@ The Triple Door


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