Playing in New York is always a quick commando style operation. Our buses met in New Jersey. Everybody piled onto one bus with their luggage and we drove into the city. Later that day the other bus, which pulls the trailer came to B.B.King’s only to unload the gear and then moved back to NJ. Monday night we left Manhattan at 11PM and met the other bus. I broke the nail of my right hand ring finger moving my guitar back to the band bus. The nail was unprotected because the acrylic came off right after we ended the last song at Sirius…
Above photo shows the repair job I started right away, while the bus was moving. The arrows point to where the nail broke and a new tissue and acrylic nail was fashioned with Crazy Glue. The new ring-finger nail works fine as last night’s show in Atlanta showed.
Check out the HANDS.
Can someone help OL with his broken finger nails.
When you say “acrylic” do you mean that it’s necessary to apply something like a nail polish for additional strength? I’m hoping maybe after the tour you’ll do a segment on how you maintain your right-hand nails (length, angle, etc). In playing classical guitar I find this an ongoing challenge – and the demands on my nails aren’t a fraction of someone like yourself!
I agree, right hand fingernails are very tough to maintain and we could all use a lesson! ;)
And MichaelV, that’s Carolynn, not Carol…:P
Oh, I like his hands too, Michael. The music that comes from those fingers is like no other.
We’ve had a lesson on nails from OL. I just can’t remember when we talked about it.
Thanks, Adam, for looking out for me!
Here’s the post on nails. I remembered the timeframe because I was practicing day in/out for a wedding.
Enjoy, and thanks again OL~