Home Videos Pt.1

02004-09-02 | Uncategorized | 8 comments

Yes, Flavio, this is the sort of stuff I would love to make available for the subscription service. In fact I would love to be able to hire somebody to come on tour, whose job it would be to videotape everything…

In this first installment you will find Luna Negra during the Opium tour in Italy in 1996. Carl makes faces, Craig gives us an Italian geography lesson, Carl raps, and Bondo sings Blue Moon, accompanied on the piano by Jon Gagan. Funny stuff. What’s up with crew – they always take their shirts off! And check out Bondo’s sneakers….

Update: I fixed the broken link. DotMac is easy to use, but unfortunately not very stable.

Now there is a second Home Video of the 1996 Drum Duet available as well. For some reason this clip won’t play until it is completely loaded, so you need be patient and wait for the everything to load – about 20 seconds if you are on a cable modem.


  1. Adam Solomon

    Very cool, OL! Hopefully all of these videos will be available with bigger resolution for the fansite when we put it up, or for the subscription service…haha funny video though! Made me laugh :)

  2. Brad

    This was great. I would love to see more of the behind the scenes stuff on stage. Like during soundcheck and whatnot. That kind of stuff always interests me.

  3. nuala

    The video is not working.

  4. Victor

    Good stuff – thanks!!

  5. nuala

    Number 2 is broken now. Number 1 was cool.

  6. Adam Solomon

    Drum Duet is very cool :) Out of curiosity, why is it now a stream, instead of playing directly from a video source?

  7. Flavio

    Excellent! It must be fantastic to go on tour with you guys. About the sneakers: I used to wear AllStars back in the late 70’s. . .

  8. Carol

    Those are great!


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