I got the OTA OK message this evening. In the form of a Text message. I found the above web site, which seems to explain the mysterious message as a T-Mobile SIM update “Over The Air – OK”. Bizarre little snafu.
Hmmm…that’s weird. I haven’t gotten it, though my mom has a couple of times, a couple of months ago. So, this is like a firmware update for T-Mobile SIMs? Hmmm…
Hmmm…that’s weird. I haven’t gotten it, though my mom has a couple of times, a couple of months ago. So, this is like a firmware update for T-Mobile SIMs? Hmmm…
yes, i got it last night, and got it a few times when i first got my phone. it always seems to come at a time that wakes me up!
I really must agree i just now got it @ frakin 10:42 PM and although I am still up, I don’t like like the fact that T-Mobile is costing me $.
This message is generated by older SIM cards when PLMN files are updated over the air. It’s not a firmware update, and it’s free.