I am working with Canton on moving my Diary/Blog to a better place. We will archive this whole Diary from 1993 to present and keep it accessible. We will unfortunately loose all of your comments because we will move it to a different server, but that cannot be helped. As it is Comments are turned off anyway, because they are so slow.
So, sometime in August will be the first day of the new blog, which will be powered by Blogger. We will keep the look of the diary, but will incorporate some of the new technology. With the help of Flickr I will be able to send you more photos like this, which I uploaded while Robby and Ron were still performing.
Good luck on your switch from Radio to Blogger, Ottmar. Two suggestions.. one is to forward your RSS feed so that news readers such as NetNewsWire will automatically pickup this new feed. Second, if Blogger offers full post RSS/ATOM feeds, please enable them so I don’t get just the first few lines of your posts in my news reader.
Also, I’m glad you froze your Radio blog so that others, like me, who have linked to your site in the past won’t get broken links.
Thank Canton for his help! I really miss being able to post comments and ask questions. But I totally appreciate you working on this to keep it going. It’s turned into a great community!