We are in a small town half way between Los Angeles and our first Oregon destination. As our bus driver parks the bus we receive envious glances from the folk who travel in smaller campers. Yes, ours is bigger…..
So much for subtle humor, Dave…lol…though I’m largely guilty of the same thing :P I’m trying to tone it down on OL’s blog…but honestly, everyone knows foot size is what REALLY matters…O:-)
Very funny postings! Good to see you guys have a good sense of humor and better yet: to leard that OL is having fun while touring! I still can’t get enough of my La Semana CD.
I don’t blame you, Michael. There’s this ugly monster that leaps out at you with a most hideous scream. I survived, but really…Keep it safely enclosed inside, I say!!!
So, you’re saying that size matters??? : P
Well, Ottmar has long fingers….
I can’t believe you went there, Dan!
I don’t know what you mean by “there”…
I haven’t been in USA yet.
Maybe you should name you tour bus “Biggus Dickus”.
Let’s try to keep it PG-13, people!
So much for subtle humor, Dave…lol…though I’m largely guilty of the same thing :P I’m trying to tone it down on OL’s blog…but honestly, everyone knows foot size is what REALLY matters…O:-)
Adam Solomon
Very funny postings! Good to see you guys have a good sense of humor and better yet: to leard that OL is having fun while touring! I still can’t get enough of my La Semana CD.
I didn’t say I wasn’t laughing!
Yes, I’m loving my “La Semana” CD also! It’s been playing non-stop in my car stereo since it arrived!
2+ weeks and still didn’t open the 2 “La Semana” LE boxes. Let’s see how long I can contain myself from opening one of the LE cd’s.
MichaelV — Why do you feel it necessary to torture yourself in this way???
I don’t blame you, Michael. There’s this ugly monster that leaps out at you with a most hideous scream. I survived, but really…Keep it safely enclosed inside, I say!!!