“Accelerating the Future” is the theme of new Infinity/Nissan advertisements. What does that mean? Isn’t it too fast already? You leave home and by the time you get to work everything has changed already. The entire human gnome has been put on an iPod, Turkey might be part of Europe soon (since the other side of the Bosporus is ASIA – does that mean Europe will soon encroach on Asia??), and computers and mobile phones are basically outdated as soon as you have brought them home…..
At least a great flamenco guitar is a great flamenco guitar is a great flamenco guitar.
That reminds me. I still have not recorded my new Lester DeVoe Flamenco Negra, but I have been playing it every day and I am still in love with it. You will hear on my next recording – sometime in 2004 probably….
After several months of feeling that I am empty and that there is not another song in me – I have written a handful of new songs which I hope to start recording next spring. I will use the new guitar and probably a whole new rig with a new Mac running OSX (which I love!) and the new HD system from ProTools.
You are more than welcome!
What is more than welcome?
What is beyond welcome?
Does it get even more warm and fuzzy there?
Or does it turn on you and is it really quite awful and not welcome at all.
Angst, aggression? Good or bad?
What is more than welcome?