we did our 2nd show of the ‘opium’ tour last night in brisbane, queensland… we shortened the set by 2 songs (it was over 2 hours long + w opening act + intermission the show was almost 3 hours..) – + it felt better… might cut 1 more song in adelaide 2morrow + c how that feels…
right now we r in the air between brisbane + melbourne on our way 2 adelaide where we will have an evening off… everybody is getting on my case 4 not speaking 2 the audience enough… reminds me of a gr8 miles davis story…a promoter was telling miles that his band wasn’t dressing nice enough, because they weren’t wearing the then customary suits on stage… that very night miles had somebody push a rack of suits on2 the stage + announced that if people wanted 2 c nice suits on stage they didn’t need the musicians… the promoter, of course relented + begged miles 2 per4m any way he liked… 4 me the problem is deeper actually…i can talk up a storm as anybody who knows me can attest, but when i’m playing my guitar, all words fall away as if a layer is stripped from my mind… i feel sounds, i feel colours, i feel emotions, but i can’t think of anything 2 say…it’s like i’m in another part of my braingarden + can’t make the jump over the fence quick enough… i’m in my heart + soul + definitely not in my mind… there i said it: i’m out of my mind…what’s new?