I believe the term New Age was 1st used on a record by the German band ASHRA, who used 2 B called ASHRA TEMPLE, I believe. Said band had a record in 1975 called “New Age of Earth” + of course ’twas German synthesizer space music. That was also the year I believe that Eno came out w the name “AMBIENT MUSIC”. The other comes from a book I found that’s called MUSIC OF THE MIND: “Of the 4 dimensions only 1 is a 1 way street + that 1 keeps the COSMOS from becoming CHAOS.” I’m paraphrasing of course. So I’m gonna call my next studio record “OPIUM”, ’cause its gonna work on yer mind like a drug. It’s gonna rain on yer brain. It’s gonna fall thru the crax. It’s gonna hug your mind like fog. Now, I wanna get a recording of the hiss they can detect in the universe of the sound of the big bang 2 billion years ago. That would B a cool sound 2 start the record off w. It would B a truly old sound! It would B history as far back as history goes. Yet I feel down 2 earth down under + quite happy + satisfied.
and you really did it, ottmar, you did it in fact. such a wonderful recording.