
These images are from Norfolk, Connecticut. We had a wonderful time in Infinity Hall. The sound in this theater from 1883 was marvelous, even luxurious, and the audience supportive and enthusiastic. The whole band smiled from ear to ear. A nice backstage area and good meal with wine also helped.

Upon leaving both Alan and I mused whether the theater would be merely run of the mill three years from now… after the usual cost-cutting and profit-maximizing. (((less advertising, no repair or upgrading of the sound equipment, no longer feeding the musicians well and so on)))

We will hope that Infinity Hall, the discovery of this tour, remains as is and look forward to returning.

Here is what I wrote last week:

Saturday we woke up in Norfolk. Infinity Hall turned out to be a wonderful old theater built in 1883 and Mark Twain once stood on its stage, we were told. Recently restored to its old glory, while preserving 75% of the old wood, the place charmed us all immediately and we fanned out to take photographs. Since Rusty uses analog film cameras I had gifted him my old Asahi Pentax ESII when he arrived for rehearsals – I bought the camera when I was 15 or 16 years old. So, we all took photos of the beautiful building.

After soundcheck we discovered a nearby waterfall, which caused further photographic exploration. Here is a photo I took, and the photo Stevo took of me taking the photo:

The performance was greatly enjoyed by the band as the acoustics were lovely and the audience enthusiastic.

Link to Stephens post regarding Norfolk.

Sunday we were in Westhampton Beach on Long Island. It was a sunny day, but a bitter wind cut to the bone. We all thought the first set was excellent and Alan confirmed that it had been recorded.

We arrived in Manhattan by bus and were dropped off at our hotel around 11:30.