Ottmar live in Germany – Some impressions
Boris reviewed two of my solo performances in Germany last month:
Ottmar Liebert’s Fanmencos @ OLnet: Ottmar live in Germany – Some impressions
And finally Ottmar Liebert brought his music to Germany! That’s how it all started for me: I had found Pandora’s Box way back in the 90s and had written Ottmar an e-mail, honestly without expecting an answer, asking “When do you come to Europe?” – like so many people asked during the shows this one week in November, “Why do you come to Germany that seldom?”.
Regarding the set list he wrote down, I think he is probably correct (((I would not know the order of the songs because I don’t use a set list for solo concerts))), but want to add:
The piece he identified as The Longest Night also contained fragments from Dream (The Hours between Night + Day) and Sapo (One Guitar). What Boris called the new intro to Duende del Amor is a piece I wrote and recorded for The Scent of Light, but did not finish because it became obvious that I had more music than would fit on a CD. Actually, I did record the piece, and even have a title – all that is missing is a solo by Rahim AlHaj. The title is Two Sisters: Hope + Sorrow and I wrote it with the heart-break that is Iraq in mind. Come to think, I will ask Rahim to play on it when he come to Santa Fe next and will add it to the ListeningLounge. I didn’t play Red Desert Sky, because that piece requires a different tuning. I was just improvising an encore, but could have played a few similar lines.
In Freiburg Boris knew the song-titles better than I did and helped me out when somebody asked what I had just played…
I love doing solo-performances. They feel so direct and simple and personal and challenging…
Here is a beautiful photo Boris took in the mirror-tent in Munich. That was the one day I forgot my camera in the hotel room. Would have liked to grab some images there.