Blue Note

Two Arrows
The backstage-bathroom overlooking 3rd Street, at the Blue Note in Manhattan.

On Thursday we forgot my guitar mic at the hotel and borrowed an AKG 451 from the club. The AKG 451/460/480 series is very nice and I used a 480 on my guitar for quite a few years in the nineties – and still have one with a shotgun extension for capturing fieldsounds. Yesterday we brought our Shure KSM141 and were impressed with the difference. The house engineer was surprised, too, at how much more present the Shure mic was. The KSM141 is certainly the better microphone for my guitar.

Last night it rained in Manhattan and cabs are very busy when it rains… I ended up walking over a mile in the drizzle to get back to the hotel. Got back just in time before a rainstorm was unleashed.