Do you remember that ad for Memorex cassette tapes? Is it live or is it Memorex?
I think we will be asking ourselves Is it real or is it AI? constantly during the next few years.
If you want to understand the cataclysmic impact generative AI is about to have on the film industry, this one short video should make it very clear. – Film sets of the near future: Just as fake as the ‘film’ itself
Only one shot is real – the behind-the-scenes footage at the end of the video.
I think that all streaming platforms, video as well as music, need to be compelled by law to label any and all AI content. People can choose to listen to AI content and watch it, but it needs to be a choice. It will also be the only way we can choose to support the work of people in the film and music industry.
Yeah, I remember this. In fact, I think there was an actual television ad version as well.
But I am already have begun to ask myself when I see ANY image: “is this real or AI generated?”
So I was talking to a colleague this morning about this ad, and he said to me … “that wasn’t Memorex, that was Maxell …” and I said, “No, man … that was Memorex” … he says, “Come to my desk”
We pulled up the ad on … I feel silly. That was a Maxell ad. I ended buying him a coffee.
reference example:
The photo is from the Maxell campaign but the slogan “Is it live or is it… ” is from the Memorex campaign. That campaign didn’t have cool images though, unless you dig glass shattering, and so I went with the Maxell image… Sorry Steve.
NO worries whatsoever! All in good fun!
gotta love the ad world !
…make you believe anything
Completely unrelated:
This is a “Music Business 2024 report” I am unfamiliar with this publisher.
gotta love the music industry too !
today, read the top songs each band member said influenced them.
(always find this very curious )
Many songs – had to look up lyrics.
thought,.. how insightful !