New Technology

02024-06-24 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

The first use of any new technology is to make things even shittier for artists.”

The first use of any new technology… – by Neal Stephenson

Neal Stephenson is on Substack. 


  1. Neil

    Why aren’t you releasing your music on CD anymore?

    And do you remember when you played Warringah Mall in Sydney, Australia back in 1997? You signed my “Borassca” CD for me and you haven’t been back to Australia since that time. Why not?


    • ottmar

      Hello Neil,
      We did at least two more tours in Australia after the one you saw.
      In July of 2006 we performed in Melbourne, Canberra, Newcastle, two venues in Sydney, Adelaide, and Perth.
      Happy to perform in Australia, if an Australian promoter or venue sends me an offer.

      I am releasing some music on CD. “Andante” will be release on CD this year. I am still working on the cover.


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