Today we drove from Annapolis to Sellersville, Pennsylvania. We walked up to a little local cafe where we had, in the past, spent quite a few hours drinking coffee and waiting for load-in. Alas, the cafe wasn’t open and looked like it hadn’t survived. Instead we went to the restaurant next to the theater and had lunch.
The little Sellersville Theater has a very good sound and suits us. Stephen commented that the music sounded great in the house and there was something about the way it sounded in our IEMs, too. The hall has a dry sound and the rhythm becomes very clear. The percussion sections in Snakecharmer and Barcelona Nights were so much fun to play. I felt like I was an indefatigable part of an invincible organism churning, dancing in place, then moving forward. Magical moments. You pay for those because sleep won’t come for a long time afterwards. A small price to pay. :-)