Every day I am getting email about this website and specifically about this little blog. Here are a couple of examples:
One of our clients has shown interest in being featured on an article on your website.
Is that something you are able to accommodate?
We have a great in-house team of writers and we can provide the content, or if you prefer, you can also write it and feature our client.
Can you please send me a price quote for an article? Please keep in mind we are an agency and require competitive pricing as we resell them to our clients.
here is another one:
We’re interested in purchasing a link insert on ottmarliebert.com.
We’re happy to discuss terms that include:
Inserting a link onto your existing page of yours (as long as it’s relevant piece of content, of course). We’d love to discuss a home page link too, if possible!
Our link needs to be permanent & do-follow
Our link can’t be labelled ‘sponsored’ or ‘guest-post’ (or anything similar)
Please let us know your price. Serious buyer.
Our link can’t be labelled ‘sponsored’ or ‘guest-post’ – in other words we want it to be an ad that doesn’t appear to be an ad. I have received hundreds of emails like these. That’s all kinds of wrong. Sometimes I think everyone does it and perhaps I should do it too and who knows maybe I can make some coin this way… but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I have never even shown ads on this blog, so I am certainly not going to insert links into my posts, or allow guestposts that do.
You are right, ke-mo sah-bee. Just like you would not change your name for marketing reasons, you are incorruptible and thus promoting truth in the world!